Regaining our Perspective: Raising Awareness of our Precious Animal & Plant Heritage

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Mugabe Tyranny Spreads to Animals

Yes - you heard right. The disgusting tyrant and racist Robert Mugabe has now included the Zimbabwe wildlife heritage in his one size fits all "land reform" grabs, taking over 1000 square miles of nature preserve in South Eastern Zimbabwe and issuing 25 of his ZANU-PF party political buddies with land leases and hunting permits.

Goodbye elephant, zebra, giraffe and the 2nd largest surviving population of black rhino. Goodbye antelope, birds and small animals.

And when that stupid STUPID man eventually notices, he will have a barren wilderness left. And no doubt he'll then blame the "British Imperialists" or somesuch. Assholes like Mugabe never take responsibility for their fuckups.

See the following :
Zimbabwe Wildlife Threatened

I just wish there was something in Zimbabwe that the Americans needed (like oil). Maybe then, they'd get up and do something useful like invade Zimbabwe and assist in sweeping away one of the greatest menaces alive today in Africa (there are a few in Africa).

It's a crying disgrace that a man like Mugabe has been left to decimate the country, the population and now the natural heritage, and nary a word is said by the rest of the world.

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